Teaching and promoting the martial art of naginata
The Greater New York Naginata Federation (GNYNF) is a not-for-profit organization that provides education in the Japanese martial art of Naginata to the public.
Yamauchi Sensei (1959-2012)
Naginata, also known as "atarashii naginata" (あたらしいなぎなた) is a modern martial art involving the use of a Japanese halberd.
The early users of naginata were foot attendants to the samurai and warrior monks. In about 1400 A.D. the fighting style changed and the naginata was left home for samurai women to use to guard the house and castle, which led to its association with women ever since. After WWII, some naginata masters gathered together to develop a sportified version of naginata practice that would become atarashii naginata.
Today, naginata is practiced worldwide by people of all ages and genders, and continuing to grow in both numbers and in diversity.
GNYNF was founded on January 31, 2006 by Sachiko Yamauchi-Prough sensei (Kyoshi) and John Prough (3-dan).
Calendar of Events
We frequently hold training events, public demonstrations, seminars, and much more! You can keep up to date here!
U.S. National Championship Success!
The U.S. National Naginata Championships were held in Boulder, Colorado on July 14th, 2023, and the Greater New York Team did exceptionally well:
Dangai Engi-Kyogi: 2nd Place
Nigel DaSilva x Otto Herman
Dangai Men’s Individual Shiai: PODIUM SWEEP!
1st Place: Otto Herman
2nd Place: Nigel DaSilva
3rd Place: Evan Tong
Women’s Individual Shiai: 1st Place
Katie Roche
Men’s Individual Shiai: 3rd Place
Patrick Magpayo
Women’s Team Shiai: 2nd Place
Katie Roche
Jessica Wilson
Men’s Team Shiai: 2nd Place
Otto Herman
Patrick Magpayo
Nigel DaSilva
Become a member
We welcome anyone who wants to support naginata in the Greater New York Area to join our organization. Membership helps us continue our naginata educational efforts.
Dues are $20/year for adults and $10/year for minors (under 18), full-time college students, and seniors (60+).